Sublime Sunless Spray Tan Pricing
In Studio Spray Tan (Thursday-Saturday)
Full Body $50
Accelerated Formula $55
Half Body $35
Go n Glo - Mobile Spray Tan (Monday-Wednesday)
Benicia/ Vallejo $55 Thursday-Saturday Only
Long DIstance $65 +
*If pregnant we require a note or email from your provider
approving the use of DHA applied to your skin and possibly
inhaled in small amounts. Nose plugs and eye protection are provided. Monday-Wednesday Only
In Studio Package Pricing :
3 Tans - $140
4 Tans - $165
6 Tans - $245
Spray Tan Prep Instructions
How to prepare for your tan. Before you begin, consider trying our sugar hair removal for the bikini area. This works well with spray tanning as there is less irritation than wax and no damage to the skin.
Preparing your skin…scrub! Before you receive your tan, all skin on your body in areas you wish to be tanned, should be thoroughly exfoliated with an oil-free liquid body scrub. Loofahs may be used with oil free soap. For best results we highly recommend our Bora Bora Body Polish, (a plant based , oil free, paraben free scrub). This polish is specifically formulated for spray tanning and is available at our spa. Our customer reviews on this product are exceptional.
When exfoliating, pay particular attention to areas on your body that tend to be rough or dry. For most people this is the elbows and knees. Also, make sure to scrub the back of your legs and calves. Skin can build up on the front and back of the neck as well, so scrub well. These areas tend to be uneven if not scrubbed properly. Give it all a great scrubbing for a great tan!!
Cleanse all foundation off the facial skin and give the face a light exfoliation as well. You may leave eye makeup on.
Please put your hair up in a ponytail or bun.
Please be sure to wear lip balm, lip-gloss etc., when you come in for your appointment
Body Hair Removal: You must also shave all areas you usually shave the night before your appointment. Men do not need to shave, but scrub very well in the hairy areas. Clogged follicles can appear as spotting on the skin if not exfoliated properly. Consider trying our sugar hair removal for the bikini area. This works well with spray tanning as there is less irritation than wax and no damage to the skin. *We recommend doing a Bikini or Brazilian Sugaring hair removal treatment at OUR SPA which can be done on the same day if going on a vacation or honeymoon. (Our hair removal specialists are trained to perform pre tanning hair removal.)
WHAT TO WEAR: When receiving your spray tan, you may choose to tan fully nude (women only, sorry guys!), or you can wear a bathing suit or dark underwear. We can provide disposable thongs for men and women if needed. If you choose to wear a top, black strapless bras are great! The solution does wash out of most clothing, however, do not wear anything that you will worry about ruining. It can stain certain material. We do not promise it will wash out of clothing. For men: You may wear short boxer briefs, black “tighty whities,’ or men’s thong underwear, which work great. We can also provide disposable men’s thong underwear, which will allow most of the buttocks to be tanned. We do not spray tan men in the nude.
AFTER your spray tan: You will need to wear dark, loose fitting clothing. Black or dark cotton dresses or loose baggy shorts and T-shirt. You will not want to put a bra back on.
After Care
The solution takes eight hours to activate. You should not do ANY strenuous activities that will cause you to sweat. This will create streaking in your tan. That means no physical activities such as; gardening, working out, or running around, etc, and avoid being in the hot sun!
Spray tanning does not protect you against the harmful rays of the sun, so you must always wear sun protection.
When you go to sleep with the tanning solution on your body, it is a good idea to lay down dark sheets. The temporary instant color will rub off on your linens as you sleep.
Do not judge the tan before you shower! DO NOT WORRY! The tanning solution WILL give the appearance of an uneven tan. This must be washed off after at least five hours to see your true color. We recommend leaving on up to eight hours.
To keep your tan as long as possible, liberally apply moisturizer to your skin several times a day, every day. This may help your tan to last up to ten days.
For your convenience, we recommend purchasing our Tahitian Tan Extender Lotion. Tan Extender Lotion will extend the life of your tan from seven to ten day up to fourteen days. In addition, it will help the natural fading process of your tan be more even and much less noticeable.
Chlorine will fade your color much faster and prolonged time soaking in water will cause your skin to exfoliate faster. For optimal tanning avoid these activities. Tan extender may help minimize the fading process with these activities if applied liberally daily. We advise purchasing a water proof sport sunblock.
No Yoga Pants or Leggings as these tight fitting clothes will ruin your new glow.
No Oil! Using an oil free exfoliate will ensure the tanning product adheres to your skin. Be careful to avoid any oil or sugar based scrub products on your skin, which will act as a barrier to the tanning solution. This can cause a splotchy uneven tan. You must also be careful to avoid razors with an added moisturizing strip before each spray tan. We have had clients with uneven stripes caused by these types of razors.
DO NOT: apply anything to your skin following the exfoliation. Skin must be clear and free of any barrier that may prevent the solution from absorbing into your epidermal layer of skin (the top layer). It is a good idea to refrain from using deodorant as well.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in an unsatisfactory tan.
Q: What color will I be?
A: At Golden Reef Tan, we use a "one color for all" premier paraben free, organic, natural solution. We can darken and enhance the color with a layering technique if you desire a bolder color. We do carry several amazing solutions with both lighter and darker color for those with specific preferences. With any and all tanning solutions, DHA is the ingredient that causes the color change in the epidermal layer of skin. As with all DHA solutions, the developed color depends on the individual's own personal skin chemistry. At our tanning studio, our goal is a natural looking sun-kissed tan. It is important to let our technicians know if you develop lighter or darker after your first tan. This will help us determine the amount of solution and layers we apply. Customer satisfaction is a must for all our tanners! We prefer to layer lightly to achieve a more natural glow. Unevenness can occur if proper exfoliation is not achieved. Please make sure to scrub well in those hard to reach areas.
Q: Will I turn orange?
A: That is the most frequent question we are asked. No! We will never let you turn orange! Our product will give you a natural looking tan. Our tanning solutions are used by Hollywood's elite tanning technicians on their celebrity clients. With golden glowing skin as they walk the red carpet, it enhances their beauty and gives them a youthful, healthy look. It will do the same for you! Spray tanning is not for everyone, but after many years in business at Golden Reef, we have hundreds of happy customers in the East Bay. Most of our clients are referrals who come from our many satisfied regular tanners. If you want to give us a try, our highly skilled trained technicians will do their best to fulfill your needs.